Rabu, 14 Desember 2011

PARFUMS FOR YOU Parfums Untuk Anda

Memilih parfum memang agak sulit jika tidak benar benar mengetahui untuk siapa yang akan memakainya. Hal ini berkaitan dengan pemakainya anak remajakah, dewasakah, priakah atau wanitakah dan kapan ingin dipakainya dan dalam acara yang bagaimana.
Dari beberapa bahan bacaan dan pengalaman saya bekerja di pemasaran Parfums di Indonesia dapat saya simpulkan beberapa hal yang berkaitan dengan Parfum atau minyak wangi.
Parfum setelah di publikasikan berabad abad lamanya dari jaman Mesir kuno dapat disimpulkan bahwa Parfum sama dengan pakaian, jadi harus disesuaikan kapan dan dimana memakai Parfum, sama halnya dengan pakaian, jika ingin ke kantor memakai baju kantor, jika ingin olahraga memakai baju sport, jika ingin kepesta pakai baju pesta begitu pula jika ingin tamasya atau santai memakai baju kasual. Begitu pula dengan Parfum untuk ke Kantor, ke Pesta, Olah raga dan Santai memakai Oarfum yang sesuai.
Namun masih ada saja orang memakai Parfum yang sama untuk semua keperluan, yang sebenarnya kadang kala mengganggu penciuman orang yang didekatnya. Misalnya Parfum ke pesta malam tentu saja yang hangat dan keras, glamor dan semerbak karena disesuaikan dengan suasana malam hari, namun apabila dipakai siang hari dipakai kekantor tentu saja rekan sekerjanya akan merasakan aroma yang menyengat karena panasnya siang hari.
Parfum sendiri merupakan aksesoris yang tidak tampak dalam penampilan yang akan berdampak pada daya pikat, percaya diri, ciri khas seseorang dan merupakan perlengkapan kemewahan. Bayangkan saja apabila seorang wanita yang Cantik jelita atau Pria yang ganteng tapi bau badan, tentu mengurangi daya pikat, keanggunan/ kemewahan dan percaya diri orang tersebut.
Kenapa dianggap sebagai ciri khas karena dengan memakai minyak wangi seorang akan dikenali dari aroma parfumsnya, contoh saja bila seseorang memakai parfums KLASIK seperti Chanel no.5, Joy Jean Patou, Flower by Kenzo, Guerlain Samsara, Shalimar, Opium YSL atau Red Dor Elizabeth Arden maka setelah orang tersebut melewati kita 5 meter walaupun kita tidak berpapasan wajah tapi kita dapat mengenali dari ciri khas aroma parfumsnya
.Samsara  Guerlain for womenFlower by Kenzo Essentielle Kenzo for womenJoy Jean Patou for women
Bagi yang senang mengikuti tren parfum terbaru tentunya dapat memilih langsung di Departement stores yang sedang berpromosi dan langsung mencoba, apabila sesuai dapat membelinya langsung.
Namun semua ini bukanlah formula yang sempurna untuk diikuti, berikut adalah beberapa tips untuk membantu memilihnya ;
Parfum terbaik tidak selalu yang paling mahal juga tidak harus dibuat oleh merek parfum yang paling populer. Singkatnya, fakta bahwa parfum high-end bukan berarti itu dibuat dengan bahan yang mahal. Ya, parfum yang dibuat dengan bahan yang mahal dapat menghasilkan hasil yang luar biasa, pada saat yang sama mungkin menjadi harga yang mahal.
Banyak pikiran masuk ke dalam pembuatan parfum. Pembuat parfum menciptakan campuran yang cocok untuk berbagai kesempatan, salah satu parfum dapat segar dan menggembirakan dan yang lain hangat dan sensual. Akhirnya, pembuat parfum menciptakan campuran mereka untuk menyesuaikan kebutuhan pasar; apa yang konsumen inginkan.
Namun, aturan umum praktis ketika membeli parfum adalah bahwa aroma lebih ringan Eau De Toilette sesuai untuk siang hari seperti Cartier de Lune, Kenzo PourHomme, Kenzo Flower, Aigner pour Femme dan lainnya.
 Cartier De Lune Cartier for womenKenzo Homme Fresh Kenzo for menFlower by Kenzo  Kenzo for womenEtienne Aigner Pour Femme Etienne Aigner for womenUntuk malam hari umumnya Eau De Parfum, aroma yang hangat dan semerbak seperti EDP Lolita Lempicka, Fracas Robert Piquet, Cartier Le Braiser du Dragon, D Square SheWood, Fendi Fandi Di, Gucci Guilty,  Essencia PH, Heritage Guerlain dan lainnya
Lolita Lempicka  Lolita Lempicka for womenFracas Robert Piguet for womenLe Baiser Du Dragon  Cartier for womenShe Wood DSQUARED² for womenRed Door  Elizabeth Arden for womenEsencia pour Homme Loewe for menHeritage Guerlain for menFan di Fendi Fendi for womenGuilty
Khusus untuk Olah raga  biasa dipakai aroma Segar seperti Cartier Roadster Sport, Gucci sport, Hugo Boss Sport,Lacoste Sport dan lainnya
.Roadster Sport Cartier for menGucci by Gucci Sport Gucci for menBoss Sport Hugo Boss for menEau de Sport Lacoste for men
Parfums untuk acara santai biasa dipakai Kenzo Leau par, Aigner X Limited, Davidoff Coolwater, D&G Light dan lainnya yang ringan dan santai
 XXX Large Aigner Etienne Aigner for menD&G Light Blue  Dolce&Gabbana for women
Apabila ingin pergi kepesta yang mewah dan suasana yang meriah biasa dipakai Parfum Klasik yang sebutkan diatas yaitu; Joy JeanPatou, Samsara, Opium, atau Channel 5. Untuk Kaum dapat dipilih Parfums yang lebih hangat dan tahan lama seperti Farenheit dari Dior.

Dalam memilih Parfum di Departement Store jangan lebih dari 4 macam parfum yang dicoba waktu ingin membeli sehingga penciuman kita tidak sesuai dengan keinginan, karena aroma sudah bercampur baur sehingga indra penciuman mengalami gangguan.
Jadi pilihlah parfums yang dapat dipakai sepanjang hari dan sesuai dengan keperluannya.
Untuk mendapatkan aroma yang tahan lama dianjurkan untuk memakai diarea titik-titik nadi, dipergelangan tangan, lipatan siku tangan, leher  dan dibelakang telinga.Beberapa orang bahkan menyemprotkan parfum di udara dan berjalan melalui kabut sebagai parfum jatuh dari udara.
Untuk menjadikan Parfum tahan lama dalam penyimpanan sebaiknya ditempatkan ditempat yang tidak terkena matahari langsung ataupun cahaya ultra violet dan pilihlan yang Natural Spray sehingga terhindar dari kontaminasi udara jika berbentuk non Spray.
Dianjurkan memiliki setidaknya dua parfum: satu untuk penggunaan sehari-hari dan yang lainnya untuk digunakan malam hari atau  ke pesta.

Parfums sebenarnya dibagi menjadi 5 Aroma yang berbeda terdiri dari ;
1. Floral terdiri dari Floral, Soft Floral dan Floral Oriental. terbuat dari bunga bungaan umumnya untuk Wanita.
2. Oriental terdiri dari Soft Oriental, Oriental dan Woody Oriental.terbuat dari rempah rempah berpadu dengan bunga bungaan biasanya aromanya hangat  bahkan condong menyengat dan tahan lama.
3. Woody terdiri dari Woody, Mossy Woody dan Dry Woody.terbuat dari kayu kayuan, akar akaran umumnya Aroma Pria dan tahan lama.
4. Fresh terdiri dari Fresh, Green dan Water terbuat dari Jeruk jerukan, rumput rumputan, buah buahan dan air biasanya Aromanya segar.
5. Fougère terbuat dari perpaduan Floral,Oriental,Woody dan Fresh.

Dibawah ini beberapa bahan dasar Parfums
Animal Sources ( Dari bahan bahan Binatang )
BeeswaxCastoreumCaviarCivetGoat hairHoneyHyraxLeatherMilkMuskSea shellsSkunk CabbageStarfish
Beverages (Dari Minuman )
CognacCream SodaCuracaoGinGrenadineLemonade
LimoncelloMartiniMojitoPina ColadaRed WineRumTequilaVodkaWhiskey
Chemical Components (Dari bahan bahan Kimia)
AldehydesAmbretoneAmyl SalicylateCaloneCashmeranCoumarin
Iso E SuperKephalisMethyl PamplemousseSafraleineToscanolVinil
Citrus (Dari jeruk jerukan)
BergamotBitter OrangeBlood OrangeCitronCitrusesClementine
GrapefruitHassakuKumquatLemonLemon VerbenaLemongrass
LimeMandarin OrangeOrangePetit-GrainPomeloTangerine
Flowers (Dari Bunga bungaan)
AglaiaAlmond BlossomAmarillysAmyrisAnemonaAngels Trumpet
Apple BlossomApricot BlossomArum LilyBarrberyBelladona
BellflowerBlack Currant BlossomBlack ElderBlack LocustBlue Poppy
Cherry BlossomChimonanthus or WintersweetChocolate FlowerChristmas Tree or Flame TreeChrysanthemumCloverCornflower, Sultan seedsCostus
Cotton FlowerCyclamenDaisyDaturaDesert RoseDyer's Greenweed
EdelweissEncianEnglish marigoldFlaxFloral NotesForget me not
HawthornHeatherHeliotropeHellabore FlowerHemlockHibiscus
HoneysuckleHortensiaHyacinthImmortalIrisJasmineKaro-KaroundeKiwi blossomKudzuLaburnumLavenderLemon Blossom
LiatrisLilacLilyLily-of-the-ValleyLime (Linden) BlossomLotus
Lydia BroomMagnoliaMandarin orange blossomMango blossomMarigold
NasturciaNerium OleanderNeroliNight Blooming CereusOlive flower
OpiumOrange BlossomOrchidOsmanthusPandanusPansyPapaya blossomPassion FlowerPeach BlossomPelargoniumPeonyPittosporumPlum blossomPoinsettiaPomegranate BlossomPoppyPrimrose
PrivetPrunellaRhododendronRoseRose HipRose Japanese (Hamanasu)Rose MallowSafflowerSilk Tree Blossom.Snowdrops,
Sour Cherry BlossomSpanish BroomSt. John's WortStephanotisStrelitzia
SunflowerSweet PeaSyringaTabacco blossomTaif RoseTangerine blossomTiare FlowerTuberoseTulipVioletViolet WoodsorrelWallflowerWater Hyacinth,
Water LilyWatercressWhite FlowersWhite TobaccoWildflowersWisteriaYlang-Ylang 
Fruits and Vegetables ( Dari buah buahan dan daun daunan )
AlmondAppleApricotAvocadoBananaBearberryBlack CurrantBlackberryBlueberryCarambola (Star Fruit)CarrotCassowary fruit
CeleryCherryCoconutCranberryCucumberCupuacu, Cupuassu, CopoasuCyperus esculentusDatesDried FruitsFigForest fruitsFruity NotesGooseberryGrapesGuavaHazelnutJackfruitJuniper Berries


PumpkinQuinceRaspberryRed AppleRed BerriesRed Currant
Sour CherrySoybeanStar appleStrawberryTayberryTomato
Tropical FruitsTuberVrganjWatermelonWhite CurrantWild StrawberryWinterberryYellow Cherry

Grass and Green Components (Dari bahan rumput dan hijau hijauan)
AngelicaAniseArtemisiaBanana Aloe VeraAmbrette (Musk Mallow)

LeafBasilBulrushCactusCalamusCannabisClary SageCurrant
leaf and budFennelFernFig LeafGinsengGrassGreen NotesGreen PepperHayHollyHyssopIvyJatamansi or SpikenardLemon BalmMarjoramMintNettleOlive LeafOrris RootPalm leafPalmarosaPapyrusPear LeafReedRhubarbRiceRoiboos Red TeaRosemarySageSeaweedShisoStrawberry LeafTarragonTeaThymeTobaccoTomato LeafTulsiVineViolet LeafWheatWormwoodYunnan Red Tea

Non-organic raw materials

AluminiumBrown Scotch TapeClayEarth tinctureGunpowder
Industrial GlueMetallic notesPeatPebblesPowdery notesSalt
SandSea WaterSlateWater

Resins and Balsams
BenzoinBorneolCamphorCanadian BalsamChoya LobanCopahu BalmElemiGalbanumIncenseLabdanumMastic or LentisqueMyrrh
Olibanum (Frankincense)OpoponaxOriental notesPeru BalsamResins

StyraxTolu Balsam
Spices (Dari bahan rempah rempah)
AllspiceAsafoetidaBay LeafCacao PodCarawayCardamom
Carrot SeedsCassiaCelery SeedsChutneyCinnamonCloves
CoffeeCorianderCurcuma (Turmeric)DillFenugreekGalanga
GingerIndian SpicesLicoriceMasala ChaiNutmegOrigano
PepperPimentoPink PepperSaffronSesameSichuan Pepper
Spicy NotesStar AniseTamarindTonka BeanVanillaWest Indian Bay
 SweetsCandiesCaramelCotton CandyCreamCroissantCupcake
Dark ChocolateKrem bruleMacaroonsMaple syrupMarmalade

Maroon glaceMarshmallowMarzipanMeringuesNougatPanacotta
PopcornPralineSugarToffeeWhite Chocolate
Woods and Mosses (Dari bahan kayu kayuan dan lumut)
Agarwood (Oud)Almond treeAmyris elemiferaAmyris treeApple Tree
BambooBirchBlack SpruceBlackwoodBrazilian RosewoodBuxus
Carob treeCashmir woodCedarCocoboloCurry treeCypress
Cypriol Oil or NagarmothaDove treeDriftwoodEbony treeEucalyptus
Fig treeFirGuaiac WoodHinoki WoodJuniperLarchLemon tree MahoganyManukaMapleMassoiaMay ChangMuhuhu
NeemOakOakmossOlive TreePalisander RosewoodPaperbark
PatchouliPear TreePine TreePlum TreePrincess Tree (Paulownia)
SandalwoodSatinwoodSequoiaSiamSpruceSycamoreTeak WoodThujaVetiverWoodsy Notes

Dibawah ini saya sadur dari bahan bacaan dari web Fragrance Family
Chypre – Based on a woody, mossy, floral accord, which can include leathery or fruity notes as well. Chypre perfumes have a rich and lingering scent. Chypre by Coty enjoyed such success in 1917 that “chypre” is now a generic name for a whole category of classic perfumes. The compositions are based on oakmoss, ciste-labdanun, patchouli and bergamot accords. The richness of chypre notes mixes wonderfully with fruity or floral notes. This family is made up of distinguished, instantly recognizable fragrances.
Subgroups under this family are Floral and Fruity:
Floral – floral notes such as lily of the valley, rose or jasmine are added to the chypre structure. Examples include: Badgley Mischka, Clinique Aromatics Elixir, Givenchy Amariage Mariage, Chanel Chance and Donna Karan DKNY Be Delicious
Fruity – The chypre accord is enriched and embellished with fruity notes such as peach, mirabelle plum and exotic fruit. Examples include: Chanel Coco Mademoiselle, Guerlain Mitsouko, and Dior Miss Dior Cherie.
Citrus – Each perfume in this family is primarily composed of citrus scents such as bergamot, lemon, orange, tangerine and grapefruit, to which other orange-tree elements (orange blossoms, petit grain or neroli oil) have been added. Floral or even chypre accords are sometimes present as well. These perfumes are characterized by their freshness and lightness including the first “Eaux de Cologne”.
The one subgroup under this family is Aromatic.
Aromatic – The citrus accord is enhanced by the addition of aromatic notes, such as thyme, rosemary, tarragon or mint. Examples include: Calvin Klein CK One, Rochas Eau de Rochas, and Lancome O de Lancome.
Floral – This family is composed of a large variety of creations ranging from sumptuous bouquet arrangements to “soli flora’ compositions. Perfumers can let their creativity run wild, enriching florals with green, aldehydic, fruity or spicy hints. With its natural scent, the floral note is one of the most widely used in women’s perfumes.
Subgroups under this family are Aldehyde, Aquatic, Carnation, Fruity, Green, Jasmine, Muguet, Orange Tuberose, Rose Violet and Woody Musk:
Aldehyde – Animal, powdery or slightly woody notes often enhance the floral bouquet. The top note is a marriage of aldehydes and hesperidia. This sub-family came into existence with the creation of Chanel No. 5, the first floral-aldehydic perfume with an unusually high amount of aldehydes. Examples include: Chanel No. 5 and Estee Lauder White Linen.
Aquatic – A traditional floral bouquet is enhanced with several marine notes during the evaporation process. Examples include: Aramis New West for Her, Davidoff Cool Water Woman, Issey Miyake L’Eau d’Issey for Women, Davidoff Cool Water Game Woman, and Escada Into the Blue.
Carnation – “The poet’s flower” is also found in perfumery and plays a part in the development of rich and harmonious fragrances. Examples include: Calvin Klein Eternity for Women, Nina Ricci L’Air du Temps and Lancome Miracle.
Green – Green notes can add a sharper freshness to the floral bouquet. Galbanum is a typical ingredient in this type of perfume as well as combinations that evoke freshly-cut grass. Examples include: Chanel No. 19, Ralph Lauren Lauren, and Estee Lauder Beautiful.
Fruity – Since 1995, new fruity notes have blossomed in the world of perfumery. The floral body is easily identifiable, and the fruity notes are obvious. Among these are apricot, raspberry, lychee and apple. Examples include: Armani Acqua di Gio, Cacharel Amor Amor, Carolina Herrera 212, Clinique Happy, Armani Emporio Remix for Her, Cacharel Noa Perle, Cartier Delices, Dior J’Adore, Escada Pacific Paradise, Juicy Couture, Vera Wang Princess, Guerlain Insolence, and Nina Ricci Nina.
Jasmine – Also know as “The Flower”, jasmine enhances the floral top notes. It helps give perfume a complex and refined structure. Examples include: Burberry London, Ferragamo F, Dior Pure Poison and Jean Patou Joy.
Muguet – A floral bouquet whose keynote is lily of the valley, a timeless white flower which gives perfume a fresh note of springtime. Examples include: Cacharel Anais Anais and Estee Lauder Pleasures for Women.
Orange Tuberose – Introduced in 1948 with Fracas de Piguet, this sub-family has kept all of its appeal. It includes original scents of a unique sensuality. Examples include: Armani Code for Her and Givenchy Amarige.
Rose Violet – The key floral accord of this sub-family is rose and violet. This widely used flower duet was launched by Paris, the famous Yves Saint Laurent perfume. Examples include: Lancome Tresor and Yves Saint Laurent Paris.
Woody Musk – Always based on a floral accord, this family includes fragrances with an additional woody and/or musky note, which gives a richer, more contemporary structure than that of a traditional floral perfume. Examples include: Aramis Always for Her, Calvin Klein CK Be, Jette Joop Jette, Lanvin Rumeur, Bulgari Blv, Donna Karan Gold, Kenzo Kenzo Amour, Lucky Brand Number 6 for Women, Sarah Jessica Parker Lovely and Stella McCartney Stella in Two Peony.
Oriental – Also known as “amber” fragrances – stand out because of their unique blend of warmth and sensuality. They draw their richness from heady substances like musk, vanilla and precious woods, often associated with exotic floral and spicy scents.
Subgroups under this family are: Floral, Spicy, Vanilla and Woody.
Floral – Traditional Oriental base composed of sweet, powdery element, accompanies by an exotic floral note such as tiare flower or “spicy” flowers such as carnation. Examples include: Britney Spears In Control Curious, Dolce & Gabbana The One, Gaultier Jean-Paul Gaultier, Guerlain L’Heure Bleue, Calvin Klein Euphoria, Donna Karan Cashmere Mist, Givenchy Ange ou Demon, Guerlain L’Instant de Guerlain, Tom Ford Black Orchid, Van Cleef & Arpels First Love, Kenzo Flower by Kenzo, and Stella McCartney Stella In Two Amber.
Spicy – Spices such as cinnamon, cloves and nutmeg join the Oriental accord to enhance the originality and character of these unmistakable perfumes. Examples include: Chanel Coco, Sonia Rykiel Belle en Rykiel, Estee Lauder Youth Dew and Yves Saint Laurent Opium.
Vanilla – Vanilla and classical amber notes accentuate the original Oriental aroma. Examples include: Armani Emporio She, Chanel Allure, Guerlain Shalimar, Lolita Lempicka “L”, Ralph Lauren Ralph Hot, Calvin Klein Obsession, Dior Hypnotic Poison, Lancome Miracle Forever, and Thierry Mugler Angel.
Woody – Warm and opulent notes like amber and sandalwood, or dry notes like cedar are added to the Oriental accord to further accentuate it. Examples include: Bulgari Eau Parfumee au The Rouge, Lancome Hypnose, Thierry Mugler Alien, Guerlain Samsar and Molinard Habanita.
Aromatic – Aromatic notes are mainly composed of sage, rosemary, thyme and lavender usually complemented with citrus and spicy notes. These compositions’ manly character makes them an all-time favorite in men’s perfumery.
Subgroups under this family are Aquatic, Fougere, Fresh and Rustic.
Aquatic – The compositions of this subfamily brighten up the basic aromatic accord with an ocean note. This modern family boasts many recent creations. Examples include: Armani Acqua Di Gio for Men, Davidoff Cool Water Game, Bulgari AQVA Pour Homme and Kenzo for Men.
Fougere – Timeless aromatic notes blend with a traditional fougere accord characterized by lavender, woody, coumarin, geranium and oak moss notes. Examples include: Armani Emporio Remix for Him, Dolce & Gabbana Classique, Guy Laroche Drakkar Noir, Loewe Escenia Loewe, Azzaro Pour Homme, Faberge Brut Original, Hugo Boss BOSS Selection, and Lucky Brand 6 for Men.
Fresh – Fresh notes such as white flowers or citrus notes are added to an aromatic bouquet characterized by an underlying woody note. Examples include: Calvin Klein Eternity for Men, Davidoff Cool Water, Liz Claiborne Curve for Men, Clinique Happy for Men, Estee Lauder Pleasures for Men, Tommy Hilfiger T.
Rustic – The dominant aromatic accord is enhanced by the addition of rustic notes carrying scents of the countryside such as new-mown hay or grass. Examples include: Aramis New West for Men, Hugo Boss Hugo, Ralph Lauren Polo Sport, Calvin Klein Escape for Men and Kenneth Cole Reaction.
Citrus – This family includes all perfumes mainly composed of citrus notes such as bergamot, lemon, orange, tangerine and grapefruit. These fragrances are characterized by their freshness and lightness. The first Eaux de Cologne belong to this category. The masculine character comes from the frequently strong presence of aromatic and spicy notes.
The one subgroup under this family is Aromatic.
Aromatic – The hesperidium accord is enhanced by the addition of aromatic notes, such as thyme, rosemary or tarragon. Examples include: Armani Pour Homme, Dior Eau Sauvage, and Azzaro Chrome.
Oriental – Refreshed by aromatic or citrus facets, Oriental compositions draw their richness and sophistication from precious substances such as amber, resin, tobacco, spices, exotic woods and animal notes.
Subgroups under this family are Fougere, Spicy and Woody.
Fougere – These timeless Oriental fragrances emanate a traditional top note of fern scent composed of lavender, coumarin, and oak moss. Examples include: Gaultier Le Male, Joop Homme, Hugo Boss Boss in Motion and Prada Pour Homme.
Spicy – A distinct spicy note livens up the amber accord with nutmeg, cloves, cinnamon or cardamom. Examples include: Armani Code, Cartier Must for men, Hugo Boss Hugo Dark Blue, Burberry London for Men, Hugo Boss Boss Soul and Yves Saint Laurent Body Kouros.
Woody – Oriental accords composed of warm and rich notes such as vanilla, coumarin and labdanum ciste are emphasized by opulent woody notes like patchouli, sandalwood or vetiver. Examples include: Balenciaga Cristobal for Men, Calvin Klein Contradiction for Men, Cerruti 1991 Black, Davidoff Silver Shadow, Burberry Brit for Men, Calvin Klein Obsession for Men, Chanel Allure Homme, Guerlain Habit Rouge, Thierry Mugler A*Men and Viktor & Rolf Antidote.
Woody – These perfumes with their woody middle note, are warm and opulent when based on sandalwood or patchouli,. Cedar and vetiver make them dryer. These warn, dry and elegant masculine accords often contain a dash of citrus or aromatic notes.
Subgroups under this family are Aquatic, Aromatic, Chypre, Floral Musk and Spicy.
Aquatic – This composition if often harmonized with an aromatic woody accord, and ocean notes complement its structure. Examples include: Aramis Always for Him, Issey Miyake L’Eau d’Issey for Men, Donna Karan Red Delicious Men.
Aromatic – The woody accords form the core of these compositions and always start on an aromatic note such as thyme, rosemary or sage. Examples include: Azzaro Pure Vetiver, Cerruti 1881 Pour Homme, Kenneth Cole Black for Him, Lacoste Pour Homme, Calvin Klein Euphoria Men, Guerlain Vetiver, Lalique Encre Noire, Yves Saint Laurent Jazz and Ralph Lauren Safari for Men.
Chypre – The addition of chypre notes such as oakmoss and labdanum ciste enhances the predominant woody accord. Examples include: Aramis and Ralph Lauren Polo.
Floral Musk – This category is characterized by its predominant woody note, which can either be cedar, patchouli or sandalwood. The diverse floral top notes include violet and freesia. The lingering scent is mostly composed of musky notes. Examples include: Armani Emporio He, Bulgari Pour Homme Soir, Carolina Herrera 212 Men, Burberry Touch for Men, Chanel Egoiste Platinum, Dior Homme, Dior Fahrenheit, Paul Smith for Men, Yves Saint Laurent L’Homme.
Spicy – A soft sandalwood fragrance warmed by bold spicy notes such as pepper, nutmeg, cloves or cinnamon. Examples include: Armani Mania, Cacharel Amor Pour Homme, Chanel Allure Homme Sport, Gucci Rush for Men, Bulgari Blv Pour Homme, Christian Lacroix Tumulte Pour Homme, Guerlain L’Instant de Guerlain Pour Homme, Hermes Terre d’Hermes, Old Spice Original and Ralph Lauren Polo Double Black.
Demikian sekelumit tip membeli Parfums dari saya mudah mudahan bermanfaat.
Hans Hanibal